Dr. Uvesh Kothariya

your friendly neighborhood homeopathic healer. With a warm smile and a genuine passion for holistic well-being, he’s not your typical doctor. Beyond just treating symptoms, he’s dedicated to understanding you as a whole person.  With a focus on both physical and emotional health, 
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Dr. Uvesh Kothariya

Dr Uvesh Kothariya

Dr. Uvesh Kothariya, our friendly health champion, is not just a homeopathic expert but also a kind-hearted soul dedicated to making a positive impact. Imagine a caring figure with a wealth of knowledge in homeopathy, tirelessly working within NGOs to help people in need. Dr. Kothariya’s passion extends beyond traditional medicine; he’s a beacon of compassion, using his expertise to bring healing and relief to those who need it most. His work isn’t just about treating ailments; it’s about touching lives and making a difference, embodying the true spirit of holistic care. In a world where heart and knowledge converge, Dr. Kothariya stands out as a beacon of hope and healing.

100% Natural

No Side Effect

Allopathic vs Homepathy

Is Homeopathy Safe?


How to take homeopathic remedy?

Always take precautions when using homeopathic remedies

Handle with Care

When taking a homeopathic remedy, avoid touching it with bare hands. The efficacy of the remedy can be influenced by external factors, and using utensils or dispensers is recommended to prevent contamination.

Timing Matters

Administer the homeopathic remedy either before or after meals. Taking it on an empty stomach is generally recommended, as it allows for better absorption and avoids potential interactions with food that may diminish its effectiveness.

Sublingual Administration

Instead of swallowing the remedy, let it dissolve under your tongue. This sublingual method facilitates quicker absorption into the bloodstream and enhances the remedy's effectiveness. Avoid eating or drinking anything for at least 15 minutes before and after taking the remedy to ensure optimal absorption.

Protect from Sunlight

Homeopathic remedies are sensitive to external influences, including sunlight. Store the remedies in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight. Exposure to sunlight or extreme temperatures could potentially alter the composition and potency of the remedy, reducing its effectiveness.